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Drawing an ERD Diagram. HELP!

  • As a company realizes they should be collecting new information about the activities that customers take on the website, including which products a customer browses or puts into a shopping cart, and they need to start collecting email addresses to correspond with customers with their current orders as well as for them to opt in for offering new deals based on actions customers take on the website.
  • Products are now interacted with through Product Action.Product Action includes a web session id, a web action timestamp.A Web Customer takes a product action, which contains a web customer id. A web customer who purchased is required to have an Email Address, but if a web customer has only browsed a product, Zagimore may or may not have collected one for the client.
  • A web customer uses a unique web customer id, and has a new session id for every new session that they are on the website or app browsing products.If customers purchase products,
  • The action type web customer takes is a Web Action Type, which records the action type id, and the action type name such as (browse, cart, purchase, return)
  • This means that sales transactions no longer just occur at a physical store, but also through the website and app.Now sales transactions occur through an Instance, which has an instance id, an optional store id (where an instance may physically sit), and an instance name (which might include the store name if bought in a store, or the website name, or the app name.)
  • Sales Transactions are composed of multiple sales transaction line items, and now not only records the transaction id, but instead of the transaction date, it records the transaction timestamp.A customer still buys via a sales transaction, and now a customer might also have a web customer id, a billing zip code, and a ship to zip code.
  • Sales transactions line items include the sales price, units purchased, total line item cost and sales transaction line id.Products are now sold via sale transaction lines.
  • Zagimore needs to keep track of Product Inventory and wants to build logic into the webpage/ app letting customer knows when there is low inventory for a specific product.
  • So a customers uses emails, and in store sales clerks now ask customers to provide their email addresses (even though not every customer provides it.)
  • While the app and the web page are built on mostly the same infrastructure, the company wants to be able to differentiate

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92365292
  • Price:- $25

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