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Do Project 1E Gym Sales that begins on page 406 of your textbook.

Do not paste the document in the Message area.

You will need to download and use the following data file to complete this assignment: 1E Data File(attached below)

In addition to the assignment file, answer the following question with your submission. This can be answered directly in your Submission comment area, or as a separate Word attachment file:

In this Week's reading and prep work, you learned about the Sparklines feature in Excel. What are the three types of Sparklines options in Excel, and provide an example of how you might use at least one of these either in a personal worksheet or something in the workplace.

Please look to answer this in at least 3 complete sentences in order to address it adequate

Attachment:- Gym_Sales.rar

Operation Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Operation Management
  • Reference No.:- M92713698

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