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Diversity Situations and Cultural Dilemmas

Let's start thinking about your Cultural Perspectives Final Paper. For that Final Paper, you will choose one particular diversity-related issue to explore in depth.


For this written assignment, think of possible diversity-related issues that could be used for your Final Paper. Remember the full spectrum of diversity dimensions that you explored in Week 1 and create a list of three unique research topics that encompass multiple perspectives.

By receiving feedback on these three diversity-related issues through this week's discussion, you will be able to choose just one to focus on for next week (Week 4) and for your Final Paper (Week 6).

Identify three different types of diversity situations or cultural dilemmas based on different types of cultural and group associations.

The following are guidelines for choosing your three separate diversity-related issues:

Select topics that are reflective of diversity issues as we have been discussing in this course.

The situations or dilemmas should demonstrate a cultural clash between at least two socio-cultural groups and have the potential for debate.

Select topics that are current and possibly in the news.

Select topics that can be researched to find out about them more in-depth.

Here is a helpful video from our HelpNow selection that will guide you through our library.

In addition to readings, media, website resources, and personal experiences, use ProQuest and EBSCOhost to find appropriate scholarly articles (review the Library Tour to get started).

You will need to find three articles in total, and both databases should be used (at least one article per database) to support your responses for the questions. View the "Searching Techniques" webinars associated with both research databases if you have not done so already.

The paper should be approximately 660-1320 words in length, not including the title page.

For each of the three topics, briefly discuss the following:

Describe the diversity situation or cultural dilemma and your interest in this topic.

Describe the cultural groups impacted by this topic.

What are some of the societal and historical forces which might have created this situation or dilemma?

Provide one argument from each perspective regarding the topic.

Cite the articles that you found using ProQuest and EBSCOhost (use this APA formatted templatefor assistance).

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92374399
  • Price:- $50

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