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Discussions Question: Case Study Operational Problem

Operational Problem

General Note: This case study continues the exploration of research application regarding management issues and decision-making. Based on your experience provide your assessment and recommendations for resolving the Operational Problem.

Baker has been assigned to research the literature for a possible solution to a major operational problem at his employer. Baker spends many weeks searching the literature and finds a common solution theme for similar problems at various companies in various industries. Baker is somewhat dubious that the commonly reported solution would actually work at his employer. He has been thinking, and has a thought about a different solution that has never been tried before. He must report to the Board of Directors in three days. They are a no-nonsense Board and they expect results. The operational problem must be solved.thinking, and has a thought about a different solution that has never been tried before. He must report to the Board of Directors in three days. They are a no-nonsense Board and they expect results. The operational problem must be solved.

Q1. Based on the new information available, what might Baker do on this time to prepare for the Board review?  this time to prepare for the Board review?

Q2. Assume you have unexpectedly been assigned to immediately replace Baker. With three days until the Board review, what strategic action might you implement?

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92392609
  • Price:- $20

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