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Discussions Choose one of the following threads:

Thread 1: Adolescent Risk-Taking Behavior: Explain how peers may influence behavior positively and/or negatively. What strategies might an individual use to mitigate the influence of their peers on the risk-taking behavior?

Thread 2: Student Achievement: Explain how specific cultural, ethnic and socioeconomic factors influence student achievement. Propose strategies to address each of the negative influences so as to promote achievement

Post your answers to this Discussion .

Assignment The Media's Influence on Children and Adolescents: In a 2-3 page paper, explain the impact media (e.g., television, internet) has on children and adolescents' physical, cognitive, social-emotional development. Use specific examples and provide evidence for your assertions.

We transition from family systems to outside social structures focusing mostly on adolescent and young adult years.

For your own edification I suggest that you reflect how peers, school, culture, faith and achievement have influenced and affected your life.

Have these influential factors changed in meaning and value for you as you age and take on different responsibilities?

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92372777
  • Price:- $40

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