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Discussion Topic 1: Suppose there are two events A and B. Can P(AUB) is greater than or equal to P(A)? Discuss why (or why not) using the concepts and theory.

Discussion Topic 2: Discuss how you would deal with uncertainty at your workplace or at home, using the decision tree analysis

Discussion Topic 3: Provide one example of how a time series technique could be used in the business world to help firm's decision making process

Discussion Topic 4: Suppose you face a decision making process at home such as purchasing necessities, paying bill, etc. Set up a linear programming model in words, and discuss what your objective function, decision variable, and constraints would be.

Discussion Topic 5: Provide one example of how an assignment problem could be used in the business world

Original Analysis : Each student will read the discussion topics and will apply concepts and theory taught in that week to the real-world situations.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92364031
  • Price:- $25

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