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Discussion Topic- Memory Complaints

This activity is in two parts.

1. What kinds of problems plague your memory?

Think of three things for which you would like to be able to improve your memory (for example, people's names, where you put things, phone numbers, something you have just done - say, turning off the stove or locking the car door).

2. Then visit the Mind Tools website on memory techniques and mnemonics, which will help you apply the concepts taught in this chapter to improve your own memory. This site reviews the underlying principles of effective mnemonic systems, then introduces several specific mnemonics and applies them to the remembering of names, dates, telephone numbers, and so on. You should also visit the "Improve Your Memory" tutorial article for specific techniques to begin improving your own memory. Both web resources contain many helpful hints.

Visit the recommended websites and then prepare answers to the following:

1. What three fundamental principles underlie the use of mnemonics?

2. Describe three specific mnemonic techniques as described on the Mind Tools website (link provided below).

3. List your three memory problems and show how one of the three mnemonic devices described above can be applied to one of your memory problems.

Web Resources for this Discussion:

• Mind Tools: Memory Improvement Techniques
• Mind Tools: Improve Your Memory Tutorial

Assignment 2)

Post your thoughts in response to the following prompt:

List an important cultural influence in your life. How has this influence affected your development? How might you think/act/behave differently if you had not been exposed to this influence?

Assignment 3)

The Big Five Personality Inventory

Complete the Big Five Personality Inventory and then post your comments about your experience taking it.

Discuss your results on The Big Five. Do you think these results are accurate? Why or why not? Were you surprised by any of your results?

Do you consider results to be culturally biased?

Assignment 4)

Internet Research: Search for an informative website on depression. Write a one to two paragraph summary of the site and a thoughtful critique. Include the site address.

The purpose of this activity is to have class members collaborate in creating an on-line resource guide. Your summary should include the site address, a brief description of the information available, your thoughtful critique of the value of the information (including credibility, user friendliness, and usefulness), and related links.

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  • Reference No.:- M92385117
  • Price:- $10

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