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Discussion Questions

Each week, two different discussion questions are posted in the online classroom. Students are required to post two substantive responses. Additionally, students are required to post three responses to the postings of classmates.Details on GCU discussion forum expectations and requirements can be found in the Student Success Center, which can be accessed through the Resources tab in the online classroom. The discussion forum will allow students to share ideas and knowledge related to a variety of HRM topics.

AMP-434 has four required assignments:
- Strategic HRM Proposal (Due at the end of Week 2.)
- Hiring & Compensation Plan (Due at the end of Week 4.)
- Performance Management Cycle Plan (Due at the end of Week 6.)
- Reflective Summary of Strategic HRM (Due at the end of Week 7.)

Directions for each individual assignment are provided in the assignment description fields in Weeks 2, 4, 6, and 7. Please note that the Strategic HRM Proposal, Hiring Plan & Compensation Package Proposal, the Performance Management Cycle Demonstration, and the Executive Summary all use the Scenario Generator to provide the context and background for the assignment, as well as for a description of the deliverable to be submitted.The Scenario Generator will produce your Scenario Generator Report, whichcontains an organizational profile and descriptions of the "Deliverables" for the first three assignments.

The four assignments are intended to work together to require learners to consider the many facets of HRM, including strategic planning, recruiting, hiring, compensation, and performance management. The deliverables for the first three assignments are "high level," as opposed to detailed and comprehensive. This means that the student will examine their organization from a bird's-eye view, looking at various components of HRM holistically. The purpose of the assignments is to create cognitive realism. That is, the assignments are designed to challenge students to thinklike practicing managers.The artifacts are not designed to reflect the attributes of actual reports developed in the field; they are designed to simulate the thinking required to create actual managerial reports.

The students are expected to use their imagination and creativity to apply the course objectives to the deliverables they submit. Throughout the course, assignment formatting is secondary to the application and synthesis of course objectives. However, professional business writing is expected. This includes correct spelling, usage, and grammar. Each assignment requires a well-developed introduction and conclusion.

Scenario Generator

The Scenario Generator will produce your Scenario Generator Report, which will be used throughout the course.

The Scenario Generator is an online tool that is required to successfully complete the course assignments.This interactive tool produces a customized scenario of a fictitious organization. The Scenario Generator allows students to control and adjust various parameters.Clicking on the various tabs within the Scenario Generator changes values, descriptors, and parameters. The Scenario Generator allows the student to customize the nature of their assignments.The scenarios can vary in different ways.For example, one scenario might have an organization with a designated human resources department, while another scenario might be a sole proprietorship with the owner making all HR decisions.These subtle variations will determine how the student evaluates the organization and completes assignments.

Pay close attention to the descriptors and parameters in your Scenario Generator Report. Carefully consider these descriptors and parameters in the course assignments.

Within your Scenario Generator Report,you will find a "Deliverables" section for the Strategic HRM Proposal, the Hiring & Compensation Plan, and the Performance Management Cycle Plan. These "Deliverables" sections describe what you will actually submit to your instructor. The Scenario Generator Report provides the context for the final assignment, the Reflective Summary of Strategic HRM,which connects these deliverables into a cohesive summation and application of course objectives.

Familiarize yourself with the following:
1. AMP-434 Course Overview
2. HRM Webliography
3. Scenario Generator

After examining these resources, do the following:
- From the Scenario Generator, create your Scenario Generator Report.
- Attach your Scenario Generator Report to Module 1 DQ 1.
- Describe how the HRM Webliography might be useful in your current work situation, or in a position you hope to hold in the future.

HR Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- HR Management
  • Reference No.:- M92559782

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