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1.) Would you find it easy to define human rights? The people on the following video found it challenging.

What are human rights?

What did you learn from this video?

2.) Whether or not globalization is good or bad depends on where you live. I read an article yesterday that provides a good example of the negative impact globalization and government decisions can have on a community's culture and environment. The town is Hade, Kosovo and involves mining companies and the World Bank.

Article: Refugees Of Development- Kosovars Who Rebuilt War-Torn Village Face New Threat As World Bank Considers Coal-Burning Power Plant By Michael Hudson.

What are other examples of the impact of globalization on human rights?

3.) What is the global trade system?

4.) What is globalization? Is it good, bad, or inevitable? Please explain.

5.) What are the benefits of globalization for the average person?

6.) What is an example of a multinational corporation in the global business environment? What type of issues does this multinational company encounter? Besides IBM.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92373623
  • Price:- $45

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