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Discussion Question:

In your lecture/readings and the film, the topic of violence against women and girls is discussed. What types of violence do women and girls face? How are women of color, in particular, affected by violence? Finally, what are your thoughts on the topic, after doing the readings/lecture as well as watching the film Tough Guise?

Discussion Forum Requirements

Your response to the discussion question must be at least 250 words, and not more than 450 words. You must draw from the readings, lectures, and/or films in the class. I must see that you have done the work. Responses that have nothing to do with course material or have no substance (see below) will receive 0 points.

What kind of answer to the discussion question am I looking for? Good question. Your posts to the discussion question must show me that you are engaging with the material, synthesizing it, critiquing it, thinking about it, and very importantly, reading it.

You must comment and critically reflect on the overarching themes that the readings raise. For example, this may mean that when we cover intersectionality you find that race is an important variable to consider when looking at feminism and women's rights; you can talk about this theme, and use evidence from the readings to back it up.

You may also choose to go more in depth about several of the readings and draw reference to the other readings that were assigned, or you may go into depth on all of the readings. Regularly, I will ask you to think about how points or concepts in the readings or films connect to your life, so I will want to see you apply the reading to the world around you.

The point is that you must communicate in these forums that you have done all of the reading and engaged with it as a feminist scholar would. This means synthesizing the material and not merely listing the readings and telling me word for word what each reading states; I have already completed the readings. I do not need a word for word summary of them. Rather, I'd like an analysis of the readings/material.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92364713
  • Price:- $20

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