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Discussion Prompt - Respond to each question in 200 words each

Your understanding of the CAGE distance framework

1. Using the case Kingfisher B&Q, shed light on how the CAGE framework can be used to compare markets from the perspective of a particular company.

2. Discuss the role of AAA strategies in the development of Kingfisher (B&Q) in China. What AAA strategies should Kingfisher adopt to capture a major share of business in the Chinese market?

3. In your personal life, what is the country where you wish to visit for your vacation, and why? What factors of the CAGE framework have influenced your decisions?

Reading Kingfisher Attacks the China Market By M J Foster and C S Tseng

Marketing Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Marketing Management
  • Reference No.:- M92373478
  • Price:- $40

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