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Discussion: Empathetic Responses

Emotions play a significant role in helping clients. Using empathic responses is useful in supporting clients. You should also become aware of when it is appropriate to confront or challenge what clients present. Both are key skills in interviewing.

To Prepare

Think about when you have used empathy when working with a client or in your personal life. Consider when someone has used an emphatic response to you and how it felt to you.

Post whether you think emphatic responses are the best approach when working with clients and why. Include in your response multi-cultural sensitiveness and dimensions.

Required Readings

Evans, D. R., Hearn, M. T., Uhlemann, M. R., & Ivey, A. E. (2016). Essential interviewing: A programmed approach to effective communication. (9th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

Chapter 5, "Reflecting Feeling" (pp. 87-109)

Summers, N. (2016). Fundamentals of case management practice: Skills for the human services (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

Chapter 8, "Listening and Responding"

Read "Responding to Feelings" (pp. 170-174)

Chapter 10, "Bringing Up Difficult Issues" (pp. 203-224)

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