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Discussion Board

Assignment: Research the role and purposes of social media in the professional world and investigate the media presence of an entity (company, political campaign, organization, or governmental agency related to your field of study). Accounting is my field of study Primary Discussion Response

For this assignment, you will select 1 entity (company, organization, or governmental agency related to your field of study) and perform an analysis of its use of its Web site and social media pages, searching for the strengths and weakness, advantages and liabilities, and general effectiveness of its online presence.

For the second part of the assignment, you will conduct research online and through the CTU Library databases on the importance and benefits of having an online presence as a company, organization, or governmental agency. This research should focus on the general benefits of an online presence and should not be specific to the individual entity investigated for Part I of the assignment.

Fill out this Unit 3 Discussion Board Template following these steps:

1. State the name of your entity (company, organization, or governmental agency related to your field of study), and in a couple sentences, explain your interest in the entity.

2. Provide a hyperlink to 3 online sites used by the entity, including its main Web site. Sites you may investigate could include Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, YouTube, LinkedIn, podcasts, interactive chats, or any other social media platform.

3. Present a 3-5-sentence summary of the overall effectiveness of the entity's online presence, the quality of the written communication used across its various platforms, and a brief identification of areas where it could improve its online and social media strategy. The absence of a presence on a social media site may also warrant discussion.

4. Find 4 credible sources that discuss the importance and benefits of having an online presence and using social media as a company, organization, or governmental agency. At least 2 of those sources must come from the library.

5. Use citation generators or build a correct APA citation for each of the sources

6. Under each citation, provide a 2-3-sentence summary of the article's main ideas.

Do not attach the template. Instead, copy and paste your filled-out template directly into the Discussion Board.

Peer Responses

Respond to 2 classmates. In your responses to your classmates, remember to be constructive and polite. Use the following questions to assist you with your responses:

1. What about their summaries seemed useful or interesting?
2. Which quotations or pieces of information seemed the most persuasive?
3. Which analysis seems the most effective to you? Why?

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92371112
  • Price:- $25

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