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Read Consider: What's in a Name of an Ethics Code? in Chapter 9 (look below), then answer these following questions from the text:

• How does the title of a company's ethics document affect your attitude about the content? Is one title more attractive than another?

• What is the overall message that the title of the code of conduct conveys? Does it reflect the purpose of the document to provide employee guidance on expected conduct?

• Propose creative titles for ethics codes for a pharmaceutical company and a restaurant. (Gonzalez-Padron, 2015).

• Look for two other company ethics documents and share the titles of their ethics documents (consider your own organization or one that you are familiar with for this question).

(Consider: What's in a Name of an Ethics Professional?

A review of the ECOA member listing shows some of the titles that may be used for ethics professionals:

o Chief compliance officer

o Chief ethics and compliance officer

o Chief ethics officer

o Chief risk, compliance and ethics officer

o Vice president, corporate responsibility

o Vice president, global compliance and ethics

o Director of business conduct

o Director of integrity, security and compliance

o Director, corporate compliance and ethics

o Director, ethics and integrity programs

o Director, ethics and regulatory compliance

o Senior manager, ethics and non-financial corporate policies and procedures

o Senior manager, global ethics and compliance

o Senior vice president, global [corporate social responsibility] and risk management

o Manager, business integrity and compliance

o Manager, ethics and employee issues

Questions to Consider

1. Why does the ethics function vary among organizations? What company factors would lead to thewording of the ethics function?

2. Which titles reflect a focus on compliance only? Which titles reflect a focus on ethics?

3. Does a title provide sufficient authority to oversee an organization's ethics program? Does the title of theethics professional indicate a level of autonomy in addressing ethical issues?


Conduct in Medical Tourism

Medical Tourism has become a growing industry, especially in developing countries. Research the topic of medical tourism and reflect on the ethics related to this industry. Develop a code of conduct for medical tourism.

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  • Reference No.:- M92382295
  • Price:- $35

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