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Discussion 1:

Chapter 7 in your text details a number of ethical considerations in criminal justice policy making. From the chapter, choose one of the following issues: public opinion about punishment, mandatory minimum sentencing, the "War on Drugs," truth in sentencing, or sexual predators. Create at least three moral guidelines for the creation of effective criminal justice policies to address your chosen issue.

Guided Response: What is a moral guideline? Whenever you present an analysis, it is always a great idea to define your major terms in your presentations.

Begin the discussion with a working definition of a moral guideline, and if necessary, explain that term in light of criminal justice issues. Remember, all policies need to focus on maximum effectiveness for the actions sought

Discussion 2:

chapter 7 in your text discusses moral arguments advanced about capital punishment. The articles "Killing in Good Conscience: What's Wrong With Sunstein and Vermeule's Lesser Evil Argument for Capital Punishment and Other Human Rights Violations?" and How social media is pushing the limits of legal ethics. address ethical issues regarding the death penalty (Blumenson, 2007; Harris, 2011).

In this discussion, address capital punishment and its implementation in the United States. Examine its use and application against the logical fallacy of "two wrongs make a right." If capital punishment can be proven to be a logical fallacy, discuss the efficacy of its continued use.

Guided Response: Your analyses here will be rooted in both logic and ethics. What is the best, rational argument in support of capital punishment? How can the pros to capital punishment overcome the logical fallacy of "two wrongs make a right"?

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92372907
  • Price:- $20

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