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Discussion 1: WWI Poetry

While the image of the soldier poet may seem like an unlikely mix, the devastating effects of technological warfare experienced during WWI were the impetus for WWI poetry. Describe the message you think the soldier poet was trying to convey in his poetry.

Explain whether you think the poetry gives a reader an accurate depiction of the true meaning and impact of war on the average soldier and his family, especially during the WW I era.

Describe what words or phrases the poets use to get the reader to "see" and "feel" the same experiences. Is this possible?

Explain whether you think artistic works such as these poems would be successful or popular today. How do you think audiences would react to poetry written by U.S. soldiers stationed in Afghanistan or Iraq?

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92507041
  • Price:- $10

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