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Discussion 1: Rules for Social Engagement

Actions for Discussion: Rules for Social Engagement

Of the rules for social engagement noted on pages 74-76, which are the top 3-4 that you believe to be the most important to which businesses or organizations should adhere? Which infractions to these rules bother you the most personally as a consumer and why?

Cite at least two related outside sources (other than the textbook, itself) to support your position. Here's a YouTube video to get you started. Social Media Engagement in Plain English, hosted by kietzo. The video is a ‘gimme', so it is not an allowable citation/reference.

Discussion 2: Management and Strategy

Must post first.

Where are we now? What is the competitive position of your employer with regard to rival companies: Good? Average? Weak? What problems does your company have that need to be addressed? Support your answers with research from Where are we now? What is the competitive position of your employer with regard to rival companies: Good? Average? Weak? What problems does your company have that need to be addressed? Support your answers with research from a minimum of three scholarly sources and be cited and referenced using proper APA formatting. You must respond to a minimum of four of your fellow classmates.


This assignment will assess competency 1. Examine the role of management in strategy and policy development and delivery.


This is the first of several assignments to help the students develop a business plan which you will submit in LP5. To submit a strong business plan, it is important that you read the feedback you receive on each part of the plan (in LP1-3) and correct errors and incorporate recommended changes.

This assignment should be researched using a minimum of three scholarly resources. It should be written using APA formatting and be a minimum of 600 words.

Select a business you would like to go into, in your field of interest (your emphasis of study). Imagine that you have been hired in a management position. The company is looking to expand and wishes to apply for a loan of $2,000,000 to help them set up a satellite office. The first task you have been assigned is to prepare a business plan to show the bank.

For the first part of this business plan:

Describe the business including the mission statement, the products and services the company offers, and who you consider to be the company's competition.

What would you recommend your company do so that it stands out from the competition?

How will you help this business to accommodate a global business environment?

What talents will you be looking for when you hire employees?

What technologies are imperative to maintaining the business?

What does the company currently charge for its products and/or services they offer?

Once the instructor has assessed the assignment, made comments, and returned the assignment to you, make sure you read the comments and make the necessary changes. You will be submitting this material again in the final business plan.

This assignment is worth 75 points and will be graded according to the Grad General Writing Rubrics and will include content, critical thinking skills, research, structure, writing mechanics, and APA formatting.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92370889

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