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Despite the fact that people are more mobile than in the past and have established communities of interest, beyond their neighbourhoods, the geographic community remains the focal point for recreation activity. Recreational programmes within the community are essential elements of life if people are to keep their sense of purpose and achieve happiness in a complex society

a) Discuss the contribution of outdoor recreation to the local community

b) Explain how community programmes can overcome barriers for participation in outdoor recreation for senior citizens


a) Elaborate on the similarities and differences among the concepts of leisure, recreation and sport

b) Identify and explain an outdoor recreation activity that you participated in during the semester and discuss the skill and health related benefits that you derived when you participated in the experience


The Mauritian Wildlife Foundation has managed Ile aux Aigrette with the objective to promote ecotourism, as a means to raise public awareness, generate income and employment and to contribute towards the sustainable development of Mauritius and Rodrigues. After your visit to this nature-based recreation site, debate the extent to which you agree with this statement


Identify an outdoor recreation provider that you visited during the semester to discuss the following-

a) the class/es of the Recreation Opportunity Spectrum provided by the site

b) the extent to which you believe that visitors respect the natural environment of the site?


Identify an outdoor recreation provider that you visited during the semester and discuss the management strategies used by the organisation to enhance customer satisfaction for its target markets


Homework Help/Study Tips, Others

  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M9134350

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