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Directions: Write a one page response for each of the numbers 1 through 5.

1. You arrive at a crowded movie theater. Inside the theater, a man is seated and is sweating and complaining of severe chest pains. He is alone. What do you do? Include considerations for the environment which is dark and crowded.

2. An empty school bus has crashed. The driver is slumped over the wheel, is incoherent, and his breath smells of alcohol. He is overweight and 60 years old. What is your plan and what conditions should you look for?

3. A woman approaches you and says she cannot feel her hands and her vision is blurring. What do you examine her for and why?

4. You have just pulled an infant from a frozen pond where he was submerged for five minutes. What are your actions?

5. You find an unconscious teenage boy lying face down in the hallway of his high school. There are traces of vomit and white powder on his lips. What do you examine for and why?

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M91223948
  • Price:- $50

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