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Devise a plan of action for addressing a how chronic pain affects health and wellness.

For this milestone, submit a two- to three-page outline of your final project presentation. Think of it as a script with notes to help add context to the points you will be making. It does not need to use complete sentences or paragraphs, but it should contain enough detail to allow your instructor to offer you some feedback.

I. Introduction: For this part of the assessment, you will examine the role of wellness in society and how it influences aspects of culture and the individual.

To help guide your analysis, you will explore a topic that has been discussed in this course (factors that support or challenge wellness, wellness through the lens of different disciplines, and so on).

A. Analyze how social practices have shaped our idea of wellness and how that idea of wellness has shaped social practices.

B. Utilizing interdisciplinary approaches, explain how a topic discussed in this course has or has not shaped our idea of wellness.

C. Analyze how the importance (or lack thereof) of wellness and health in society has been a force for social change. In other words, has an emphasis or lack of emphasis on wellness in society sparked change in the everyday behavior of individuals or societies?

D. Analyze how wellness has influenced the behaviors and operations of individuals in your discipline of study or area of interest. In other words, look at the influence of wellness through the lens of your discipline.

E. Utilizing interdisciplinary approaches, explain the positive and negative aspects associated with a topic that has been discussed in this course. Using relevant research or diverse perspectives, assess how emerging technologies have the potential to improve personal and societal wellness.

II. Issue: For this part of the assessment, you will introduce the issue and how it relates to wellness and any of the topics that have been discussed in the course.

A. Using appropriate research strategies, describe a social or global issue that is related to wellness.

1. What is the origin of the issue?

2. What is the issue about?

B. Using appropriate research strategies, describe the target population of the issue.

1. Who is impacted by the issue?

2. What is important to know about them?

C. Using appropriate research strategies, explain how the chosen issue relates to a topic that has been discussed in this course.

1. In other words, how can you connect the social or global issue you have chosen with a topic that has been discussed in this course?

2. How does it inform your understanding of the issue?

D. Using relevant research or diverse perspectives, assess how the chosen issue is impacting the target population.

E. Utilizing interdisciplinary approaches, predict how the chosen issue will or will not change in the future. Be sure to justify your prediction.

III. Plan: For this part of the assessment, you will offer recommendations and a plan to improve the issue, as well as strategies for implementing your plan.

A. Make recommendations for how the current issue could be addressed so that it no longer adversely affects the target population.

1. What strategies or steps could be taken to help the individuals who are adversely affected by the chosen issue?

2. How could these recommendations be implemented so that a new population is not adversely affected?

B. Explain the strategies that could be utilized to address the chosen issue.

C. Imagine you are in charge of addressing your chosen issue. Utilizing interdisciplinary approaches, explain how you would implement your plan.

D. Explain the benefits of your plan and justify why your plan would be preferable. Be sure to support your justification with relevant research or individual perspectives.

Homework Help/Study Tips, Others

  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92383398

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