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Developing Skills for Business Leadership

Students will be asked to submit an individual reflective summary of the key skills considered in this module. This will cover 7 key areas - however students will only need to submit 5 and can therefore decide which 5 of the 7 skill areas they would like to be assessed from the following:-

1) Teamwork
2) Postgraduate Study Skills
3) Decision Making
4) Interpreting Financial Information
5) Managing Budgets
6) Presentation Skills
7) IT Proficiency

Questions to be addressed

1) Teamwork
- What role do you naturally adopt when working in a team?
- Does the thought of teamwork fill you with excitement or dread?
- What problems have you encountered when working in a team?
- Why are some teams more successful than others?

2) Postgraduate Study Skills
- What aspect of PG study skills have you found most challenging to date?
- What PG study skill do you excel in and why?
- What skill/s do you wish to develop and how will you do this?
- Which skills can you also utilise within a business/practical work situation? Provide an example.

3) Decision Making
- Are you good at making decisions?
- If yes, why do you believe this to be the case? If no, why do you believe this to be the case?
- Do you think men or women are better at making decisions? Justify your answer with an example/s.

4) Interpreting Financial Information
- Reflecting on the in-class activities, what is the value of this technique in evaluating the company's position?

5) Managing Budgets
- What difficulties have you experienced in managing a budget (either at work or at home) or what difficulties would you anticipate in managing a budget.

6) Presentation Skills
- Do you enjoy delivering a presentation?
- How do you personally prepare for a presentation?
- What are the similarities/differences between individual and group presentations?
- What mistakes have you made when previously delivering a presentation?
- What makes a successful presentation?

7) IT Proficiency
- How would you rate your IT skills on a scale of 1 to 5. 1 = poor, 2 = below average, 3 = average, 4 = good, 5 = excellent.
- How have you developed your IT skills?
- Are there any particular IT applications/packages which you feel you still need to develop? How will you do this?

Overall Word Count = 2750 words (550 words per skill area)

HR Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- HR Management
  • Reference No.:- M92372353
  • Price:- $75

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