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Develop a qualitative or quantitative research proposal based the information derived from Unit 2 and Unit 3. Include the following in your proposal:

The statement of the problem and any subproblems

The hypotheses

A definition of key terms

The assumptions

A statement of the importance of the study

A review of any related literature

An example of the data and treatment of the data

Research methodology

Specific treatment of the data for each problem as defined

Statistics to be used in the research analysis

The qualifications of the researcher and associates

An outline of the proposed study (steps to be taken, time line, etc.)


This was the requirements for Unit 2:

Locate at least 4 contemporary, peer-reviewed articles or dissertation or thesis research studies that are qualitative in nature (e.g., case studies, historical) related to your topic of interest for your paper and PowerPoint presentation.

Write a paper that contains the following sections:

Summarize the type of study and phenomenon of interest.

Discuss whether the sample and population used were appropriate.

Summarize results, limitations of results, conclusions, and applications.

Compare the results, conclusions, and applications among all 4 studies in a summary paragraph.

Prepare 4 PowerPoint slides that detail the most applicable results associated with each qualitative study to your topic of interest and area of application or function related to healthcare.

Attachment:- Qualitative Research Methods Evaluation.rar

HR Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- HR Management
  • Reference No.:- M92363815

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