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Develop a multinational business strategy to address a challenge in a particular industry. Structure your business strategy in the following way and use the concepts, tools, and frameworks from Managing Global Innovation throughout your strategy. Number your answers in the following way.

1) Identify and describe a challenge in a particular industry.

2) Describe the knowledge/technology needed and its location for your business strategy.

3) Build a team of partners from across different types of borders (geographic, industry sector, technology) to address your chosen challenge.

4) Detail how you will optimize the multinational footprint for your business strategy using concepts such as experiencing, foraying, and attracting; and discovery, complementarity, and substitution.

5) Identify how you will optimize communication and receptivity for your business strategy, using approaches such as networks, hiring, culture, and trust.

6) Convey how you will optimize collaboration through identification, definition, delivery, and diffusion for your business strategy.

Must be two thousand Words in total

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92425114
  • Price:- $15

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