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Destination: Where will you go to?

Write the name of the destination and locate it with a Google Earth satellite image. The destination must be supported with a Google Earth satellite image at the appropriate altitude.

Let me give an example

Your final project takes you to Beijing. In this case your Google Earth satellite image will focus on Beijing and it should be at roughly 40 miles.

Your final project takes you to Japan where you plan to tour the country. In this case your Google Earth satellite image will focus on Japan and it should be at roughly 800 miles.

Explanation: Why will you go there?

Explain your choice based on geographic reasons and using accurate and appropriate geographic vocabulary.

Airline Price and Schedule: How much will it cost and what is the airline schedule?

I do expect a price and airline schedule. The price and schedule will be found on appropriate travel sites on the internet.

Itinerary: What itinerary will you build for the week?

Build a one week itinerary. I expect you to go to at least one new place every day ... only 2 halfdays can be activity free or 1 full day activity free within this one-week trip.

Be sure to discuss your activities within a geographic context. For instance, discussing what you will be eating for breakfast is fine, as long as you are specifying the items within their geographic context (what makes them local to your specific destination?). Other examples:

? Going to a museum is fine ... what do you plan to look at

? Going to a national park ... what are the fauna and the flora

Homework Help/Study Tips, Others

  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92385798
  • Price:- $15

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