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Description of LASA:

Many teams face the challenge of flat performance. Sometimes, teams may underperform by failing to reach their stated goals. For this assignment, you will examine strategies for enhancing the performance of a dysfunctional or underperforming team. Using the same team identified in M2 Assignment 2, follow the directions below to develop a 10-12 page report offering recommendations for that team.


In 10-12 pages, using your same identified underperforming team from M2 Assignment 2, formulate a strategy that will improve your team's effectiveness and functionality by crafting a plan that will assist leaders to develop and motivate team members, improve decision-making processes, and foster ethical problem-solving practices.

Begin with a summary of the team's background information that was previously reported in Module 2.

Analyze the power and social influences that may exist within the identified team/group's dynamics and recommend 1-2 best practices and conditions to engage the team to counter groupthink or to sustain the team's current healthy dynamics. Evaluate the team's decision-making process and problem-solving strategies and recommend 2-3 procedures for daily team operations, motivation, and resolution of conflicts.
Assess the role that diversity and cultures contribute to motivation, creativity, and innovation in the team's productivity and recommend 2-3 initiatives to help the team embrace the complexity of diversity in team building.

Determine and explain the importance of continuous leadership and team development in managing teams (and/or virtual teams) and suggest 2-3 best practices to maintain effective team communications and development.

Include a conclusion, where you will summarize your recommended strategies, processes, and/or best practices and discuss how they can be used to assist the team's leader(s) to build and motivate the team across boundaries (i.e.: individual, organizational, national, and/or virtual). Support your proposed recommendations with rationale, examples, and/or research.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92395433

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