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Task: You are required to choose two professional areas in which you have an interest and research those professions codes of conduct/ethics/behavior

For ex:

A) Early childhood:

B) Public Relations:

C) Marketing research:


More information on these is presented in modules.

After researching two areas prepare a report that:

A) Describes what a code of ethics/conduct/ professional behavior is and why is it important in the work place?

B) Describes what ethics and professional conduct means to you in the workplace;

C) What do you consider to be ethical behaviour in the light of the two professions you have researched and give at least two exs;

D) What do you consider to be unethical behaviour in the light of the two professions you have researched and give at least two exs;

E) Compare and contrast the codes of Ethics/conduct/behaviour for the two professions you have chosen;
Your report should consist of:

• Title page;
• Table of contents;
• Executive Summary;
• Introduction which includes identifying the two professions you are researching;
• Body of the report answering the problems listed above;
• Conclusion; and
• References

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M9660

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