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Describe the associated Marketing/Economic/Psychological theory associated with your research objectives. Discuss the reference academic articles/books and discuss the existing theoretical perspectives.  Basically the professor wants a Literature Review

Hi there on the top you can see our question to be answered according to our research objectives below. This is a project about a restaurant named Bistro Cabana but specifically it doesn't matter to know the restaurant it is a random restaurant that we have chosen.


1. We have a hypothesis that if the restaurant offers a fixed menu at the lunch, it will gain more customers from the working class at lunch time.

2. If the restaurant gives a "Bistro Cabana Premium Membership Card" to their customers, it will be for the benefit of the customers and this will result in increase of the number of the visit.

3. If the restaurant increases the options of snacks and fast food (hamburger, pizza, wrap etc.) on their menu, more students will come to the restaurant.

4. We will develop a profile of the average customers of the restaurant with respect to age, income, sex and demographic information to be able to make more correct strategies in the future and meet the demand.

5. If the restaurant offers more healthy alternatives and increase their low-calorie dishes, it will increase its attractiveness since healthy eating is on their front burner.

6. By determining the strengths and weaknesses of the restaurant and measuring the level of customer satisfaction through collecting feedback for the following aspects, we will increase the standards of quality, atmosphere, cleanliness etc.

a. Food Quality

b. The quality of service

c. The quality of server

d. Value

e. Music

f. Cleanliness

g. Atmosphere

h. Comfort

i. Timing

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92410413
  • Price:- $30

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