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Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals and Frye v. United States are the two main rulings in the United States governing the admission of scientific evidence in courtrooms. As I do not want to receive multiple explanations of the rulings in Maryland, please check "your" state. Research "your" state to determine which ruling governs scientific evidence in that state. You also should perform research to determine if there are also any state rulings that are used in conjunction with either Daubert or Frye. After determining which ruling is used in your state, discuss how new scientific evidence would be presented in court for the first time in your state. To discuss how a new scientific technique would be introduced, you can discuss how that has happened in the past or you can make up a new scientific technique and discuss how that would be introduced into your state courts.

IMPORTANT NOTE: I will discuss Maryland at the end of the week. Any student choosing Maryland as their state will not receive any points for this week's conference.

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  • Reference No.:- M92382753
  • Price:- $15

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