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Cross-sectional data are data: 

A.collected over time

B.that are collected over a single period of time
C.consisting of a single variable

D.consisting of two or more variables

Question 2 of 25 4.0 Points
Ordinal data are: 

A.sorted into categories according to specified characteristics

B.ordered or ranked according to some relationship to one another

C.ordered, have a specified measure of a distance between observations but have no nature zero which have a natural zero

Question 3 of 25 4.0 Points
The process of collection, organization, and description of data is commonly called: 

A.descriptive statistics
B.statistical inference

C.predictive statistics

D.operational statistics

Question 4 of 25 4.0 Points
__________ is a measure of a linear relationship between two variables, X and Y. 



C.standard deviation

Question 5 of 25 4.0 Points
The statistical measures that characterize dispersion are: 

A.Range, variance, standard deviation

B.Mean, median, mode

C.Range, mean, standard deviation

D.Correlation, frequencies, standard deviation

Question 6 of 25 4.0 Points
Define standard deviation 

A.A measure of how dispersed observations around the mean
B.The square root of variance

C.The amount of variation error in the data

D.A & B above

Question 7 of 25 4.0 Points
A discrete random variable is: 

A.outcomes over a continuous range of real numbers 

B.a numerical description of the outcome of an experiment for which the number of possible outcomes can be counted for which the number of possible outcomes can not be counted

Question 8 of 25 4.0 Points
Define probability distributions. Describe two common probability distributions.

Question 9 of 25 4.0 Points
A confidence interval (CI) is a range of scores with specific boundaries that 
should contain the ______ mean. 



C.standard error

D.none of the above

Question 10 of 25 4.0 Points
The most common probabilistic sampling approach is: 

A.simple random sampling
B.convenient sampling

C.complex sampling

D.error sampling

Question 11 of 25 4.0 Points
The hypothesis predicting that differences exist between the groups being 
compared is to the hypothesis predicting that no differences exist between the groups being compared as _____ hypothesis is to _____ hypothesis. 

A.null; alternative

B.alternative; null; two-tailed

D.two-tailed; one tailed

Question 12 of 25 4.0 Points
Directional hypothesis is to non-directional hypothesis as _____ hypothesis is to _____ hypothesis. 

A.null; alternative

B.alternative; null; two-tailed

D.two-tailed; one-tailed

Question 13 of 25 4.0 Points
A researcher was interested in the emotional effects of music on exam performance. Before their exam, a professor took one group of students into a room in which calming music was played. A different group of students were taken to another room in which new wave hard rock was being played. The students then took the exam and their scores were reported. What type of analysis would be most appropriate? 

A.Paired (dependent) t-test

B.Independent (unpaired) t-test

C.Analysis of Variance ANOVA

D.Repeated Measures ANOVA

Question 14 of 25 4.0 Points
As the value of a t-test _____, the sample variance _____. 

A.increases; decreases

B.decreases; increases

C.increases; increases

D.decreases; decreases

Question 15 of 25 4.0 Points
_____ is a procedure which allows us to predict an individual's score on one 
variable based on knowing one or more other variables. 

A.Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient
B.Coefficient of determination

C.Regression analyses

D.Point-biserial correlation coefficient

Question 16 of 25 4.0 Points
A fashion student was interested in factors that predicted the salaries of catwalk models. She collected data from 231 models. For each model she asked them their salary per day on days when they were working (salary), their age (age), how many years they had worked as a model (years), and then got a panel of experts from modeling agencies to rate the attractiveness of each model as a percentage with 100% being perfectly attractive (beauty). The most appropriate statistical analysis would be: 




D.chi square

Question 17 of 25 4.0 Points
The _____ is the best fitting straight-line drawn through the center of a scatterplot that indicates the relationship between the variables. 

A.regression line

B.negative relationship

C.measure of variation


Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M91185759
  • Price:- $50

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