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Critically analyse th ekey strengths and limitations of two SHRM systems that workplaces use to manage their juman capital so that the strategic goals of the organisation are met

1. what are the key strengths and limitations of the two HR systems in the contex of the workplace?
2. How do the two HR management systems relate to the accomplishment of strategic goals? What assumptions are you basing these views on?
3. Compare how the two HR management systems effectively contribute to the management of human capital to achieve the strategic goals of the organisation
4. How did the discussion in the forum contribute to your analysis? how can you use the information in your posts and the posts of others as evidence?


30 references ( 15 academic articles, 10 books 5 authoritative sources)

harvard references

HR Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- HR Management
  • Reference No.:- M91121452

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