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Critical Review: Best Practices for a Reduction in Workforce 

The increasingly competitive nature of the global economic marketplace has resulted in organizations making continual changes to their workforce requirements. This relentless focus on quality and cost has destabilized many organizations, affecting their ability to offer long-term, secure employment to their employees.

During this assignment, you will explore and explain the best practices to follow in the unfortunate circumstance where a reduction in workforce is necessary within an organization.

Begin by accessing the Excelsior College Library to find reliable and scholarly articles related to this assignment to expand upon the key topics. Write and submit a critical review of approximately 250-300 words. Be sure to follow the APA style (6th edition) for writing and include at least one relevant citation for your submission.

Include the following:

  • Positive and negative consequences of a reduction in workforce
  • Address credible alternatives to a reduction in workforce

See the Course Calendar for the due date.

Compose your work using a word processor (or other software as appropriate) and save it frequently to your computer. When you're ready to submit your work, click Browse My Computer and find your file. Once you've located your file click Open and, if successful, the file name will appear under the Attached files heading. Scroll to the bottom of the page, click Submit and you're done. Be sure to check your work and correct any spelling or grammatical errors before you post it.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92375631
  • Price:- $20

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