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Criminal Justice Research

Discussion : Exploring Qualitative Field Research

Qualitative field research is the method of choice when a research question requires an understanding of processes, events, and relationships in the context of their social and cultural situations. Instead of generating numerical data supporting or refuting clear-cut hypotheses, qualitative research aims to produce factual descriptions based on face-to-face observation or questioning of individuals and social groups in their natural settings. Researchers commonly use this method to gather in-depth descriptions of procedures, beliefs, and knowledge of particular groups, or to explore decision-making concerning behavior.

For this Discussion, consider potential strengths and limitations of qualitative field research. Then conceptualize two research questions related to a criminal justice topic in which you are interested that could be tested using qualitative field research.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post two strengths and two limitations of qualitative field research. Then, for a criminal justice topic of professional interest, provide two examples of research questions that could be tested using qualitative field research. Be specific and justify your response.

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  • Reference No.:- M92100426
  • Price:- $10

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