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Crime & Behavior Research Paper

You must discuss the topic and apply two criminological theories to the topic. Google scholar will provide you with several scholarly articles on the topic. The sections you need to focus on are the introduction, literature review, theory application, conclusion, and references. The paper should be set up similarly. THEIR MUST BE AN: Introduction, Literature Review (Discussion of Topic with at least 5 sources), Theory Application,conclusion, and References.

The Main Topic is: Sex-tracking

Life Style Theory (Criminological theory): Life style theory stress that people are more at risk for becoming crime victims.

Routine Activities theory (Criminological theory): It argues that people engage in regular activities that increases their risk of victimization.

OUTLINE: There must be an introduction to the paper. For remaining portions of the paper, you must summarize at least 5 articles from google scholar. All you need to do is go to google scholar online and find at minimum 5 scholarly peer-reviewed articles on your topic (make sure you in-text cite and reference them in the paper) and discuss the articles. You do not have to discuss the statistics. You need to read and understand the article but you do not have to discuss the methods or statistics. You must read the abstract and discussion to understand the articles though. Summarize and synthesize the articles and try to find themes throughout the documents (such as gender, age, race, or other related variables). In addition, you need to apply a criminological theory or theories to your paper. (This is discussed more in depth below.) Finally, conclude the paper.

CITING: Make sure you reference the articles in your paper and make sure you have a reference section at the end. Citing is a MUST for the paper and it needs to cite appropriately. You must paraphrase and cite at the beginning or end of each sentence.

Theory: You must describe how the theory was developed including the theorist/theorists, and how the theory explains the crime or crime topic you chose. Remember to cite where you retrieved your material.

Outline of Paper:

a. Introduction- 1/2 page summarizing what you will discuss in your paper

b. Literature Review-minimum of 5 synthesized scholarly articles

c. Theory Application-at least 1 page

d. Conclusion-1/2 to 1 page summarizing your findings

e. References-(This does not count for your 5 pages)

Your paper MUST be a minimum of 5 full pages (content pages), 12 point font, Times New Roman, with 1 inch margins. (It can be double-spaced.) A TITLE PAGE, REFERENCE PAGE, OR ANY EXTRA PAGES OR FIGURES WILL NOT COUNT TOWARD THE 7 PAGES. I NEED 7 PAGES OF CONTENT!!

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92165005
  • Price:- $60

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