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Course Project Overview: Learning Plan

For your Course Project, you will develop a plan for a formal learning experience on a topic of your choice. You will begin the project in Week 4 and complete and submit it in Week 7. Your Learning Plan will include a syllabus with learning goals and teaching and assessment strategies, as well as a rationale for your design and an analysis of resources needed. Keep this in mind as you are choosing your topic and the type of learning experience you will develop.

Project Outline

Following is a summary of the assignments related to your Course Project. Detailed instructions for each part of the Course Project are provided in the appropriate week.

Week Assignment Description Deliverable/Due Date

Week 4: Part 1: Context and Goals For your Assignment this week, prepare an analysis of the learning context for your Learning Plan, including:

  • Key characteristics of the student population
  • Characteristics of the subject matter that may present special challenges
  • Any other contextual factors that may impact the design of your Learning Plan

In addition, learning goals or outcomes, including:

  • a rationale for selecting your goals
  • a description of how these goals align with any relevant professional or disciplinary standards or institutional outcomes

You do not have to submit anything this week; next week, you will complete the next part of your project and submit your work for both Weeks 4 and 5

Week 5: Part 2: Assessment Strategies For your Assignment this week, prepare the following:

  • An outline of assessment strategies for your Learning Plan
  • A rationale for your selection of assessment strategies, including how they align with your learning goals
  • Instructions and a rubric for at least one of the assessments

Combine this assignment with what you completed in Week 4 and submit by Sunday of Week 5.

Week 6: Part 3: Learning Activities For your Assignment this week, prepare the following:

  • An outline of learning activities for your Learning Plan
  • A rationale for your selection of learning activities, including how these activities align with your assessments and your learning goals

You do not have to submit anything this week; next week, you will complete the final part of your project and submit your work for Weeks 4-7.Week 7:

Part 4: Syllabus and Resource Needs For your Assignment this week, prepare the following:

  • A syllabus or other complete outline for your Learning Plan, including outcomes, assessments, and learning activities
  • A rationale for your approach to organizing, sequencing, and prioritizing topics or key ideas
  • A description of resources needed to implement your Learning Plan, and how the learning experience will fit within any organizational constraints

Combine this assignment with what you completed in Weeks 4-6 and submit by Sunday of Week 7

Your Course Project is your Major Assessment for this course, and it is designed to demonstrate your achievement of the following program Learning Outcome:

  • "Demonstrate an ability to deploy resources to achieve intended results."

Rubrics: Refer to the Reflection Assignments Rubric in the Rubrics section to familiarize yourself with the evaluative criteria for each Course Project assignment. Refer to the Major Assessment Rubric for the evaluative criteria for the entire Course Project.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92385049
  • Price:- $30

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