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Counseling Techniques

Last week you learned that there are a number of different types of assessment tests, techniques, and instruments. The same is true of counseling techniques and methods.

In this Discussion, you will compare different counseling techniques and methods and consider how they may be applied to a case study.

To prepare for this Discussion:

• Review this week's Learning Resources, focusing on substance abuse counseling techniques and methods.

• Reflect on how the counseling techniques and methods that are discussed may be applied to various cases.

• Review the DVD program, "Counseling Techniques and Treatment Planning," with Dr. Tom Cargiulo. Reflect on the evidence-based counseling techniques and methods that he discusses..

• Consider what counseling techniques and/or methods you might apply to one of the two case studies.

• Select two counseling techniques and/or methods to apply to this case. Consider their similarities and differences and how each may best be applied to the case study in question.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post a comparison (similarities and differences) of at least two counseling techniques and/or methods. Then, explain how each might be applied to the case study you selected.



• Course Text: Substance Abuse Counseling

o Chapter 6, "Treatment Setting and Treatment Planning" (pp. 155-187)

o Chapter 7, "Individual Treatment" (pp. 188-202)

o Chapter 8, "Group Treatment in the Continuum of Care" (pp. 203-217 only)


• Video: Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2008). Substance abuse counseling: Counseling techniques and treatment planning.Baltimore: Author.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92382597
  • Price:- $20

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