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Construction Management Assignment

Part A - Answer the following question:

Assume that you are a new project manager and you want to motivate your team members to perform at their best. Develop one strategy for each of the categories of human need in Maslow's hierarchy. Tell specifically how you will use each specific category of need to motivate team members.

Part B - Read the following and respond to the discussion question.

I don't know how to motivate these people

Marie played organized sports from the time she was a child right through college. In fact, she was an All-American volleyball player and team captain at Northwest Florida Institute of Technology where she earned her construction management degree. Consequently, Marie knew plenty about motivating team members. At least she thought she did, but lately she has begun to have doubts. The motivational techniques that always worked so well with her volleyball teammates do not seem to be working with the members of her project team. The XYZ Project is her first as a project manager, and Marie is determined to make a good impression on her company's vice president. But the motivational techniques she is using do not seem to be having the desired effect. The various members of her project staff team just do not respond the way her volleyball teammates from college did. Marie is at a loss concerning how to get her team motivated.

Discussion Question: In this scenario, Marie is using the one-size-fits-all approach in trying to motivate her team members and it is not working. Have you ever been involved with a team in which the coach or team leader used the same motivational techniques for everyone? If so, describe how that worked out. If Marie asked for your advice concerning how to motivate her team members, what would you tell her?

Part C - Respond to the following:

Assume that you are a new project manager. You will be required to keep higher management, your project staff team members, the owner, and the architect fully informed about progress and problems. Develop a communication plan for your project.

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  • Reference No.:- M92366150
  • Price:- $20

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