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Construct a regular expression that matches each of these (one regular expression per item). You do not need to include the contents of an entire script for each of these; rather, include just the line with the regular expression. For example, if you are asked to match "cat or hat", you could simply answer: r"(c|h)at"

a. at least one b followed by any number (zero or more) of c's

b. any number (one or more) of literal backslashes followed by any number (zero or more) of literal

c. three consecutive copies of whatever text is contained in the whatever variable

d. any five characters (they don't have to be the same, and this includes newline as a valid character option)

e. [Challenging!] the same word written two or more times in a row (with possible varying intervening whitespace), where "word" is defined as a non-empty sequence of non-whitespace characters. No points off if you don't get this one, I'm just looking to be impressed.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92389780
  • Price:- $10

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