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Consider the points made on the following website and respond to the following questions.

Is the three-strikes law, which provides mandatory 25-to-life sentences for a third felony conviction, a good idea?

It provides a fix for a flawed justice system so that repeat offenders stay in prison.

The law provides a very effective deterrent after the 2nd conviction.

The media distorts the true effectiveness of the law by showing trivial cases (like someone stealing pizza) rather than the usual perpetrators.

The law applies to 3 convictions, not 3 crimes (i.e. criminals may get away with several incidents).

The law destroys the flexibility of the courts and the judge.

It is unjust in certain conditions (victimless crimes, young criminals, etc.).

Criminals often plea bargain their first two convictions.

It is a violation of the 8th Amendment to the Constitution.

An arrest of someone with two convictions almost guarantees the cost and time of a trial.

The law adds more criminals to an already crowded and expensive prison system.

In your opinion, are the "three strikes" law cruel and unusual punishment? Are they a wise policy for state governments to implement? Why or why not?

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92387372
  • Price:- $10

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