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Consider a big life decision you have made in the past or anticipate making in the future. Now analyze that decision in light of the following:

Which theory or theories of consciousness and personal identity most resembles how you understand the role of the self in the decision-making process? For example, was the process primarily based in reason? Did past and present experience play a role? Is the decision one based primarily in your desire for something?

Which theory or theories of human freedom best captures how you went about making this decision?

Feel free to consider multiple theories in your answer and be sure to explain the theories you reference with support from the text and online lectures.

Provide the facilitator with a one- to two-page analysis of your chosen current event, using philosophical theories of identity and freedom. In your analysis, include the following:

A thesis that clearly states your view on the issue and how philosophy is being used to analyze the issue. Analyze the relationship of the current event to philosophy.

Facts, information, and perspectives from the news articles that support your argument.

Facts, information, and arguments that challenge your perspective and why they are ultimately unpersuasive.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M91947109
  • Price:- $30

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