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Companies have to come up with many strategic decisions about their products from the beginning to the end. How much would it cost to make, launch, and-if need be-discontinue the product? But a big part of the decision-making process is also how to market the product.

Especially in times of recession, companies need to think about boosting their advertising spending rather than slashing it. Who will be responsible for the advertising campaign? Where are they going to advertise? Who is their target consumer?

For this discussion, pick a product that you use on a daily basis. It has to be a brand name (e.g., Colgate toothpaste, Dawn dish detergent).

  • Pitch this product in a different country. Describe the following:
  • Which country would you advertise in and why?
  • Which media would you pick to advertise in, and why?

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92390259
  • Price:- $30

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