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Communication is a key skill used by leaders to engage and motivate others (Huber, 2014). Messages or presentations must include accurate, adequate and applied information (Huber, 2014) in order to effect change and get support or buy in for an idea.

Persuasion is a tactic used when others need to be convinced of something; negotiation is used to "articulate needs, positions and justification for resources" (Huber, 2014, p. 113).

Using persuasion and negotiation with confidence and knowledge of the topic presented are crucial in this type of scenario. A face to face meeting and presentation would work well to provide management with background information, data that supports the idea, the idea for change and costs/benefits associated with the proposed idea.

One could forward the presentation prior to the meeting to the members of upper management that will be making the decision to allow them time to review and come prepared with specific and relevant questions and provide feedback.

All aspects of verbal, nonverbal and written communication should be accurate, clear and respectful. Buy in will be greater if the message gets across as it is intended and if management can be convinced of the benefit to them or the institution.


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  • Reference No.:- M92387009
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