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Comfort Transportation Pte Ltd, commonly known as Comfort, is a taxi company owned by Comfort Delgo Corporation Ltd. With the Advent of the sharing Economy, Singapore"s taxi industry has been significantly disrupted.

1) Using publicly available information and data, propose business goals for Comfort that will address the challegers the company and industry as a whole is facing. (100-150 words)


2)Conduct an organisational training needs analysis to determine the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for realising the business goals proposed in Part(1). Report your findings. (250-300 words)

- TNA training needs

3)Conduct a atsk (functional) analysis to determine the observable actions and tacit cognative function needed for proficiency (and perhaps even excellence) in the identified job tasks. Report your findings. (250-300 words)

-choose 2 functional

4)Conduct indicidual learning needs analysis to determine the employee's performance gaps as compared against the findings of the task analysis . Report your findings.(250-300 words)

Word limit 1200 words

HR Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- HR Management
  • Reference No.:- M92376067
  • Price:- $50

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