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COLORS: Be specific, name colors. Describe lightness/darkness and cool vs. warm colors. Be sure to describe where each color is found. Do the colors cause your eye to move about the piece in a certain pattern?

COMPOSITIONAL ELEMENTS: Are the dominant lines/shapes in this painting either horizontal/vertical/diagonal; straight/curvilinear; geometric/organic (freeform)? This does not refer to the orientation of the canvas/picture itself.

TYPE & PURPOSE: Religious, portrait (paintings of religious personages are not portraits), landscape, genre, still-life, pastoral or mythological, non-objective (means having NO subject - design only). What was the purpose of this artwork? Why did the artist create it?

MOOD: Does the work of art convey a particular mood or atmosphere? What was your initial reaction to it? Did that change as you began to study it in greater depth?

PROBABLE PATRON: Church, nobility/state, guild/group, middle-class, self, or no patron intended. The patron is the person or entity that the artwork was intended for, or where the artwork was meant to be seen originally. It might mean the person who paid the artist to create it. If no patron was originally intended, whom might this artwork appeal to the most?

SIZE: Give me your eyeball approximate dimensions. (Terms such as ‘small or large' are subjective): Do you believe that size has any impact upon the way that you react to this piece? If it had been larger or smaller, would your interpretation have changed at all?

Attachment:- case.rar

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  • Reference No.:- M92393577
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