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Collaborative Interdisciplinary Literature Review

Possibly topic :(Mathematics and Finance..)

Overview of the Assignment

This project gives you a chance to witness, and to practice, the value of academic argument focused on the ways two different fields or disciplines offer findings on a single topic. Traditionally, literature reviews can be considered as a kind of bibliographic essay or survey of the discipline's knowledge front. A literature review has three purposes:

• examine recent arguments made in a specific area of inquiry or scholarship

• relate the arguments to each other

• suggest fruitful directions for future research

Additionally, this assignment layers in both collaborative and interdisciplinary aspects. This collaborative interdisciplinary component means you'll work with a partner from a discipline different from yours on a topic of common interest to, ideally, discover similarities and differences in research across the two disciplines.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92383085
  • Price:- $20

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