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Choose one of the following themes for a presentation on your Week 4 content:

  • Changing Times: Proto-Pop and The Beats (must include either Robert Rauschenberg or Jasper Johns)
  • Andy Warhol and Pop Art (focus on Warhol OR Warhol and other Pop artists)
  • Protest Art (You may choose to focus on Civil Rights, the Vietnam War, or both)

Create a 10- to 12-sllde presentation (including a title and reference slide) on your selected theme that includes the following:

  • 100- to 250-word speaker notes for each of your content slides that summarize the main points listed on the slide (you will have a minimum of 8 to 10 content slides which excludes the title and reference slides).
  • A description and analysis of four to six artworks related to your selected theme (include an image of each artwork).
  • A description of the subject of each artwork; what was the subject depicted by the artist?
  • An examination of how this type of art developed; why did artists choose these subjects? To what social or cultural events were artists responding? 
  • A description of the materials, media, or techniques used by the artists; why did the artist use these materials or techniques? What is the overall effect of the artwork?

You my use Microsoft® PowerPoint® or another presentation tool. Consider recording your presentation with audio as if you were delivering it to a live audience.

Format your references according to appropriate course level APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment to the Assignment Files tab.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92385082
  • Price:- $30

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