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Choose which 2 of the historic economic decades your team will research for this course project. You may choose any two decade pairs. As you will notice from this list, the decades are focused on United States history.

Research their selected or assigned decade(s) for its economic history (remember to keep notes of your sources for citation purposes as you research). You will submit your research in Week 4 as an Annotated Bibliography.

Remember, this is not a history assignment, but rather an economic assignment. Six to Eight points for each subject has to be included on the Annotated Bibliography with economics background.

Decade groupings, along with some examples of significant events in those decades that may have influenced the economy in the United States:

The TWO I need with help is:

1920s: Henry Ford's model T

1930s: Dust Bowl


Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92385624
  • Price:- $10

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