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Choose one of the readings from chapters 2-6 and summarize, explain, and evaluate the main points of the reading in an argumentative essay in which you defend a thesis.

Your essay should be between 4-5 paragraphs, including an intro and conclusion, and between 300-500 words.

Do not include any direct quotations from the original text. Instead, summarize the position, and include a citation to the original. Papers with direct quotations will be returned ungraded.

Papers with uncited direct quotations are instances of plagiarism, and will be returned with a failing grade.

Attach your Reading Summary as a .doc or .docx file only. For instructions about how to do this, or a link to word processing software, please review the syllabus.

Submissions that are simply copy/pasted into the box will be returned ungraded.

You may choose any one of the following readings to complete this assignment:

CHAPTER 1: Aristotle and the Question of Virtue: Why Bother Being Good?

The Virtues by Aristotle

CHAPTER 2: Wrong Is Always Wrong: Kant's Categorical Imperative

The Categorical Imperative and the Good Will from Groundwork for the Metaphysic of Morals by Immanuel Kant

Concerning a Pretended Right to Lie from Motives of Humanity by Immanuel Kant

CHAPTER 3: Consequences Matter-Utilitarianism

The Principle of Utility by Jeremy Bentham

Utilitarianism by John Stuart Mill

CHAPTER 4: Continental Perspectives

Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

Introduction to an Ethics of Ambiguity by Simone de Beauvoir

CHAPTER 5: Other Influential Moral Theories: Does Morality Depend on Culture, God, Nature, or Emotions?

Euthyphro by Plato

The Principles of Morals by David Hume

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92361780
  • Price:- $40

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