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Chapter 2 explores our ability to recognize pattern from the most basic of patterns to some higher level cognitive patterns (e.g., words). Our ability to recognize patterns is based on our ability to match some bottom-up (perceptual) information with some top-down (conceptual) information.

There are several models (i.e., template, feature, or structural models) discussed in the chapter and your task below is to explore an example you have experienced (different than anything mentioned above, be can even include pictures, diagrams, images, etc.) with one of the three models (i.e., template, feature, or structural models) listed.

You are not limited to just visual patterns, think about patterns detectable by the other senses (extra credit may be awarded for creative - but yet factually sound - responses).

Your discussion should provide insights based on principles and ideas found in the chapter as to why the model you selected is better than the other models. The response should be no more than 1½ pages (double spaced) in length.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92389611
  • Price:- $30

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