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Case Study: Employee Discipline

Handling an Employee's Termination

(Note: Provide a 1,200 word response to the following case). Read the case titled, "Handling an Employee's Termination" and related exhibits (pp. 638-641). Answer the following question that assess if the termination is carried out appropriately: (Each question must cite 2 scholarly sources).

1. To confirm that the supervisor's claims are true, who will you contact? What questions will you ask? What precautions should you take to assure that your investigation is confidential and legally defensible? (300 word minimum and must cite 2 scholarly sources).

2. Review the documentation available related to this case. Is there enough documentation in place based on discipline policy and your experience as an HR manager? Explain. (300 word minimum and must cite 2 scholarly sources).

3. Assume that the termination is warranted. Managers typically hold termination meetings at The Daily Review but it is not unheard of for the HR department to conduct this meeting. Given the available information, who should conduct the meeting? What steps will you take to prepare the manager and/or yourself for this meeting? Prepare an agenda for the termination meeting. (300 word minimum and must cite 2 scholarly sources).

4. The Daily Register has some guidelines for severance packages, benefits, and outplacement services, but they are very informal and typically decided upon on a case-by-case basis. In this situation, what would you recommend for Jeanette? (300 word minimum and must cite 2 scholarly sources).

HR Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- HR Management
  • Reference No.:- M92372439
  • Price:- $35

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