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Case Study Assignment

A textile manufacturer is closing its North Carolina plant and moving the production of its products to a developing nation in Southeast Asia. The primary reason for the move is the lower labor cost that the organization can enjoy in the new location.

• Proponents of the decision laud the move as a means to save the organization by taking advantage of the free market and finding cheaper methods of producing the company's goods.

• Opponents of the decision state that a breach of trust existed between the company and the employees, and that a breach of trust will occur due to this decision. Additionally, opponents cite recent findings that contractors in the Southeast Asia region where the company is moving have been cited for utilizing child labor and failing to provide working conditions equivalent to those in the United States.

• Officials in the Southeast Asia region have answered the criticisms of the use of child labor by pointing out that oftentimes children are the only individuals in a family who are capable of working, and to deny them that opportunity would create greater hardship on the already desperately poor population.

Based on the case study above, apply the deontological and teleological frameworks learned in this unit to provide the following information in your response:

• Describe which framework the proponents of this move would use to support their statement that it be considered ethical.

• Describe which framework the opponents of this move would use to support their statement that it be considered unethical.

• Describe style of leadership this decision reflects, and discuss whether this move would lead to a positive evaluation of leadership and organizational performance.

• Describe the level of corporate responsibility this decision reflects.

Be sure to follow the guidelines below:

• Be sure to include peer-reviewed sources to support positions/conclusions.
• Analysis should be highly relevant, informative, and remain on topic.
• Accuracy should be strong with close attention to detail in all parts of the assignment.
• Writing should be clear and concise with solid sentence structure and should be free of grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors.
• Your paper should be at least two pages in length.
• You must also use at least three outside sources to support assertions and conclusions, all sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations in APA format

1. In your opinion, was the Quasi-War, the Barbary War, or the War of 1812 the more dangerous conflict for the new American nation? The Response 75-100 words.

2. Did Madison, Monroe, and John Quincy Adams successfully represent Jefferson's political ideals as he originally intended? Identify where Jefferson might have directly fought against his Party successors during the Era of Good Feelings?

3. Is the term Republican Motherhood misleading? Using at least one example from the reading, explain how this gender expectation impacted American culture during the Jeffersonian period.

4. Without including names, describe a situation in which you have witnessed a leader acting in an unethical manner. What effect did the leader's actions have on organizational or team performance? If you have not experienced this, try to think of a time when you witnessed highly unethical behavior, and describe the impact that these actions had on organizational or team performance. The Response 75-100 words.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92478386
  • Price:- $50

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